- Neural Substrates of Psychosis and Cognitive Impairment in Mouse Models of Schizophrenia In Ed. IntechOpen book The Impact of Psychosis on Mental Health (book in press, chapter available online). DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1008783. Puig MV, Gener T, López-Cabezón C, Hidalgo-Nieves, S.
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- Neural substrates of cognitive impairment in a NMDAR hypofunction mouse model of schizophrenia and rescue by risperidone. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience. C Delgado-Sallent, T. Gener, P. Nebot, C. Lopez-Cabezon, M. Puig.
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- Neuromodulation of executive circuits. Front Neural Circuits. 2015;9:58. Puig MV, Gulledge AT, Lambe EK, Gonzalez-burgos G. Editorial:
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- Two distinct activity patterns of fast-spiking Interneurons, Chemogenetics, Photopharmacology during neocortical UP states. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2008;105(24):8428-33. Puig MV, Ushimaru M, Kawaguchi Y.